The Right Mission
There was a group of people in Jesus' day who were willing to cross land and sea to win just one person. They had passion and commitment! Many of them were super willing to sacrifice themselves and no one could convince them of their beliefs. Unfortunately...they had the wrong MISSION. They were called Pharisees (Matthew 23:15).
Today, you and I want to follow Jesus Christ and obey him in everything. For that we need that passion. Following Christ is going to require us to make sacrifices... to crucify the flesh, to take up our cross, to give up our lives. We are also going to need commitment... that we put our hand to the plow without looking back, that we learn to encourage ourselves in the Lord and that we do not live to please man but God. But passion, sacrifice and commitment are not going to be enough. We also need to understand and embrace the mission that Jesus Christ has given us.
When Jesus ended his time here on earth, he approached his disciples to leave instructions with them. His words are SUPER IMPORTANT! Of everything he would have said, he decided that these words would be the best to conclude his stay on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:19-20. With all the authority of heaven and earth he calls us, the church, to do this task.
Yes, our mission is to go out and find people to make disciples of them. A disciple is a follower of Jesus. It is someone who has left sin behind and trusted Christ as their savior. That person dies to himself and gives his life to Christ as Lord.
All authority has been given to Jesus Christ. He has a right to assign us the work. My life is not mine to live as I want. He is establishing His kingdom, accomplishing His will. It is His visión for the restoration of all things and His sacrifice that won the victory over sin and death. My place is to submit to His authority and engage myself in the work assigned to me.
To be effective Jesus followers, we must become more precise. Our lives at home, church, work, and school cannot be focused on ourselves. It doesn’t matter how devoted we are if we’re devoted to the wrong mission. We have our instructions and we must be obedient.
Our culture is being formed today. With each moment that passes, the things we do become our habits, our normal. We may not mean to, but we are forming a way of life. We should give form to our culture on purpose, live the way we want to and were designed to live, in obedience to Christ and His mission. We cannot afford to let wrong (mistaken) priorities dictate the way we live. It would be absolutely horrible to face Jesus one day and show him all of our accomplishments only to see Him look at what we hold in our hands and hear Him say, “you were passionate and committed, but that’s not what I asked you to do.”
We are the MEANS God uses to call people to Salvation. Every Christian is called to make disciples. “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19